Project Description
Whatcom Environmental conducted a UST removal and remediation for a commercial client. Two USTs were decommissioned and removed from the site during a system upgrade. During the UST removal, field screening indicated that a release of petroleum products to soil had occurred. Soil samples collected during the UST removal confirmed the release of gasoline range petroleum products to the soil.
A petroleum contaminated soil removal was conducted following the removal of the tanks and subsequent confirmation of release. Approximately 1,300 tons of contaminated soil were excavated and removed from the site for bioremediation at an adjacent property also owned by the client. Soil samples collected during the excavation confirmed that all soil remaining at the site did not contain any petroleum contamination at concentrations which exceeded the applicable cleanup level.
At the completion of the soil removal action, groundwater quality was investigated at the site. Three groundwater monitoring wells were installed adjacent to the previous excavation limits. Groundwater samples were collected from each of the wells and results confirmed that the former contamination at the site had not affected groundwater. The Site was issued a No Further Action determination from Ecology at the Initial Investigation stage, prior to been listed in Ecology’s database.