Project Description

Whatcom Environmental conducted a UST removal and remediation at a gasoline station where a leak was discovered during a system check. Several drilling events were completed to delineate the extent of petroleum contamination at the site. Four USTs were decommissioned and removed from the ground and approximately 2,300 tons of contaminated soil were removed for offsite treatment and disposal at a licensed facility.

Soil contamination at the site was discovered to extend up to the western property boundary where further excavation was not possible due to a city street right-of-way. Further sampling and analysis indicated that contamination was located beneath the right-of-way at concentrations which exceeded the applicable cleanup level. However, documents discovered by Whatcom Environmental indicated that the contamination in the street may be part of a greater area-wide contamination throughout the right-of-way due to several historical gasoline stations previously located along the street.

A site specific MTCA Method B cleanup level was developed for the site, and used to develop an Ecology Model Remedy closure. Ecology developed the model remedies to help streamline and accelerate the pace of cleanups. A model remedy was applied at the site due to the absence of impacts to the groundwater and vapor pathways. Ecology agreed that the contamination in the right-of-way was likely the result of area-wide contamination. The property was granted a Property NFA based on the removal of all contaminated soil within the property boundary.